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Easy Intelligent Weight Loss
Introduction (2:58)
Module 1, What is Hypnosis?
Lesson 1, What is Hypnosis? (5:28)
Lesson 2, How is the State of Hypnosis Determined? (3:33)
Lesson 3, How Brain Wave Frequencies Affect Us. (5:20)
Lesson 4, Ideal Size Hypnosis Session
Module 2, The Subconscious Mind
Lesson 1, What is the Subconscious Mind and How Does it Affect Your Weight? (8:52)
Lesson 2, What is the Language of The Subconscious Mind? (9:55)
Lesson 3, How is The Subconscious Mind Programmed? (8:12)
Lesson 4, Instant Gratification (3:16)
Lesson 5, Three Main Ways to program the Mind. (5:10)
Lesson 6, Reframing Your Thoughts.
Module 3, The Power of Habit and How You Can Utilize It.
Lesson 1, Humans Are Creatures of Habit. (5:04)
Lesson 2, The Process of How Habits Are Formed (9:33)
Lesson 3, Hijacking the Habit Loop. (13:32)
Lesson 4, Step-by-Step Instructions to Easily Change Your Habits.
Module 4, Stress and Your Weight.
Lesson 1, Stress and Your Weight. (5:27)
Lesson 2,Stress and Cravings. (2:10)
Lesson 3, Sleep and Your Weight. (4:22)
Lesson 4, Releasing the Weight of Chronic Stress (1:36)
Module 5
Lesson 1, Your Diet and Your Weight. (2:56)
Lesson 2, Where You Get Your Calories Matters... A Lot! (6:08)
Lesson 3, Could Leaky Gut be Preventing Your Weight Loss? (6:06)
BONUS ! 6 week exercise routine
6 Week Routine with Videos and Instructions (9:53)
Thank you and congratulations
Thank you and Congratulations (1:04)
Lesson 1, Stress and Your Weight.
Tips to Ease Stress Module 4.pdf
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